Keep folders at the top: When sorting by name, you can keep folders (in alphabetical order) at the top of the list. Group items: In any view, click the Group button, then choose an option, such as Date Created or Size. Click the column name again to reverse the sort order. In List view, move the pointer over the column name you want to sort by, then click it. Sort items: In any view, choose View > Show View Options, click the Sort By pop-up menu, then choose the sort order, such as Date Modified or Name. On your Mac, click the Finder icon in the Dock to open a Finder window. Connect a wireless keyboard, mouse, or trackpad.Get started with accessibility features.Use Sign in with Apple for apps and websites.Manage cookies and other website data in Safari.View Apple subscriptions for your family.

Apple finder icon install#
Install and reinstall apps from the App Store.